Loraine & Charly and the new Hobbit Door

Our first experience with workaway was very successful. Just signed up for a few days, we got the first request from two volunteers. A young couple on a travel through Europe to discover different lifestyles, cultures, and the whole world.

They wanted to stay for three or four days but at least they left after more than a week because of a technical check they have to do with their car in France. They left a lot of traces at our place and every time I see the Hobbit door, I remember the lovely time they stayed at our little farm.

Therefore I think, we have a place like a “PlayStation”: Everybody who wants to do something, to try out whatever you can imagine, is able to do that.  For example: Once there was a guy who wanted to make a little pond. So we looked for a good place and he began to make it. It still exists now and the geese are very happy in their little pond. But the result does not have to be for the eternity.  You also can make experiences in planting, seeding or harvesting and make marmalade or something else.  If someone wants to make a plastered wall with clay, we will find one which needs it, like Karl who took 2 m³ of clay and straw and put it on to the wall. Every time I see this wall I remember the time when Karl was at our little farm. There are a lot of examples I can tell you from people who made our place a little bit better and left their traces at our little farm.

So, if you have an idea and you have no place to realise it, I think we will find a way.

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